Monday, March 31, 2008


Grace and Peace To All:

To Our God be the Glory! The FAITH FACTOR POWER PRAYER GATHERING was indeed NOT a prayer meeting as usual!! Noooooooooooooo way!!! The FAITH FACTOR PRAISE DANCERS made their debut and they danced, danced and danced! Also on the following Saturday morning they made their first public appearance as they danced their testimonies at the A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Women's Conference in Queens , NY. WHEW and Amen!! Each attendee experienced an ushering in and a visitation of the Holy Spirit that ministered to their particular circumstances. Our PRAYER POWER GATHERING was hosted by one of our Sisters as we were her special guest in her new facility for her After School Programs and her Summer Kid's Care Programs...and what a grand building it is! To God be the Glory for the great things that He has done!!! I see that the Lord will be doing great things for His glory within those walls!! Our attendance increased and we had visitors from as far away as North Carolina--who may just be returning for our April 11, 2008 Power Prayer Gathering.... Our Spirits were uplifted and we were encouraged by a Melodic Word in song from one of our visiting Sisters! The testimonies were empowering as we are still dealing with "unforgiveness". The prayers offered up were powerful and sincere and our FAITH was assigned Works as the Rev. encouraged us---"to go and dig the ditches--in preparation for the rain!"... REMEMBER YOUR ASSIGNMENT: "YOU ARE TO OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT in preparation for the WEALTH TRANSFER!" Many, many thanks go out to those of you who have trusted both the Book Club Gathering and the Power Prayer Gathering as good soil and you have $owed your many $eeds. Not only do I declare a $upernatural Harve$t....and may the blessing continue to rest upon your house! Also to all of my Assistants and the Intercessors and to all who help to send the FAITH FACTOR POWER PRAYER GATHERING FORTH--I am eternally grateful! See you again on April 11, 2008 from 7:00 PM 'til.

In His Love and Service,

Minister Faye


Carol said...

Grace and Peace

The March 14, meeting was a successful and joyous time with our group. We also had visitors who came and had an intimate time with us. I found along with the presence of God the drawing out of hindrances that would separate you from God and his will in our life.

I will continue to stress finding a place where you can start a journey with the Lord a secluded place, where you can hear from him. This was one of the thoughts that came to Faye Upshore during this meeting and the very first one we had.

Although we meet once a month, the Holy Spirit keeps us drawn to him and the people we come in contact with. The prayers we say during the meeting lifts the veil that separates keeps us and directs us even when we are apart.

To this end may God get the Glory.

Grace and Peace


Joan said...

To God be the glory for the great things he has done and is still doing for each and everyone of us.

I am always greatful for our book club gathering as well as the prayer group each month. When we leave these meetings, you come away with a fresh anointing.

I thank God for the group and for the new people we meet each time. I thank Him for His goodness and His mercies towards us. I thank Him for favor, for health, strength. peace, just about everything........I GIVE GOD PRAISE.....THANK YOU FATHER. AMEN AND AMEN.