Tuesday, January 22, 2008


This book is not about some new truth. It is about a principle that has been used by God's people in both the New Testament and the Old. It is about a neglected truth that has laid dormant in God's Word for the greater part of the last 2000 years. Praise God, is is dormant no longer! Thanks to the leading of the Holy Ghost, John Avanzini, (the Author) has restored memorial prayer in the arsenal of the saints. This method of prayer can help you quickly move the hand of God to the point of your greatest need. As always, John Avanzini will direct you through the scriptures in the simple, easy to understand way that is found in all of his books. You will find that Moving The Hand of God is full of clear, biblical proof texts that will give you confidence in this scriptural prayer method. ......you would think that unanswered prayer would be almost unheard of in the Body of Christ. But everywhere I go I meet bona fide children of God who cannot seem to get God to respond to their requests....Please do not misunderstand. I'm not saying that God never answers prayer. Innumerable times He most definitely does answer the prayers of His children. ....After considerable searching, I finally found two examples of Old Testament women whose long term prayers were not being answered: Hannah and the widow at Zarephath. They had something peculiar in common. They both did the same thing which instantly turned their unanswered prayers into answered prayers. When I found that similarity, I immediately realized I had made a breakthrough discovery. ....I am happy to say that after just a short time of further study, God revealed to me exactly how to move His hand to the point of need. I immediately shared what I had learned with the church member who got me started on my journey. In turn he put the principle to work in his life, and I was blessed to hear that God miraculously began to move in his situation. Before the end of six months, his prayer was totally answered. He later shared with me that he would never again approach God with a problem of great urgency without using the method of prayer I had shown him from the Word of God!!! CHAPTER 2: A NEW POWER PRAYER EMERGES! ....she vowed a vow, and said.....remember me I Samuel 1:11...... One of the first places my study took me was to Samuel's mother Hannah....Her prayer request was a simple one. She wanted to have a child!!!!

Join THE FAITH FACTOR BOOK GATHERING members this Friday night January 25, 2008 as we meet and revisit this very powerful principle to getting answered prayers. Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to post your thoughts and comments right here on line!


Marietta said...

On Friday, January 25th I rejoined the Faith Factor Book Gathering and was truly blessed. It was impressed on my heart to re-read "Moving the Hand of God" [unknown to me prior to attending that this was the selected book to read for January] The elaboration of the book was a confirmation that this is of God, it gave me clarity and comfort to know that this is a place I can go to invest my time wisely.



Welcome Back Marrietta to THE FAITH FACTOR BOOK CLUB GATHERING...To God be the glory for the GREAT things that He is doing for you! The Word of God tells us that in all of our getting--we are to get understanding! Thank you for trusting in that understanding and for sowing your seed Friday night into the donation for the gathering space! It was by no accident that two years ago and almost to the date that you visited our Book Club and along with the others--you too wrote down your prayer requests and then sealed them in the envelope.
(1/29/06) Please know that even in your absence, your prayer requests were still being prayed over!! It was also no coincident that your prayer request was answered on Saturday morning 1/26/08!! There is a lesson here for us all. You actually MOVED THE HAND OF GOD!!!! WHEW and Amen!! I am excited and I can barely wait to perform the bless ceremony for your new facility. Also, many. many thanks to you for your generous offer to host our FAITH FACTOR BOOK CLUB GATHERING there!! LOVE. PEACE and BLE$$ING$ to you...Minister Faye