Thursday, January 31, 2008


Daily Guide to Miracles from Oral Roberts Ministries

No Earthly Way

Dr. Thomson Mathew, Dean
Oral Roberts University School of Theology and Missions
(Reprinted With Out Permission of the Author)

I believe God expects us to live a Seed-Faith lifestyle—planting seeds and receiving harvests—in all areas of our lives. God’s kingdom is different from the world’s kingdom. In the kingdom of God, giving is the way to receive, dying is the way to live, and the last becomes first. God is a giver, and we are to model our lives after His example.Seed-Faith is a lifestyle. We give out of our need, in spite of circumstances, knowing that God is our Source. That’s what Isaac did in Genesis 26. He sowed seed in the midst of a terrible famine. He took a risk of faith. In other words, there was no earthly way he could reap a harvest, but Isaac put his faith in God as his Source. Isaac believed that God could take the seed he sowed and, in a supernatural way, multiply it back to him.Verses 12 and 13 niv say, Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. In the midst of famine, in the middle of a drought, with the economy of Israel going down the drain, Isaac received a hundredfold. How did that happen?Isaac sowed seed and aimed it at his need, believing God to give him a bountiful harvest.Could you use a harvest such as the one Isaac received—a hundredfold return with the Lord’s blessing? Live by God’s Word. Believe that God is a good God, that He is faithful, and that He works beyond all you can ask or imagine. But most of all, believe that God loves you and wants to give back to you when you sow seeds of faith to Him!

My Declaration of Faith for Today
When it looks as if there’s no earthly way for my needs to be met, God can give me a bountiful harvest from the seeds I am sowing.

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